Best Photo Blogs – Round 1

Best Photo Blogs_1About a year ago I asked you readers to suggest the best photo blogs that are out there in cyber space. I did so on my page with the same name, and the response was stunning. I think I got something like 500 suggestions! Ever since I have been struggling to find a way to edit and categorize all the different photo blogs. There are so many excellent blogs and I am sure many more have seen the day of light since I closed for submission. The problem for me is partly the sheer amount and partly that a lot of the blogs aren’t easily categorized into one simple class. For me that speaks about quality and diversity – and thus is good, but it certainly makes it harder to present a page with the best photo blogs in a clear way.

So this is what I have decided to do: I want to edit the 500 suggestions down to around 50 best of the best photo blogs without thinking about categories or themes or classes. To do so I need your help. I am not sure it’s going to work, and if not I will have to find another way around the after all luxuries problem. My idea is to post 12-15 links of blogs at a time and ask you to vote for the best ones. With 500 blogs it will surely take some time, but if we all pull together we will finally have a useful and excellent resources of great blogs gathered on one page or site. As a last thing I also think we could pick up the newly added blogs out there. Are you up for helping with this task?

So here is this week’s great blogs I need your help to narrow down:

Jörg David Photography
Mozuqu Noire
Draw and Shoot
GMB Akash
The Eff Stop
The Photographic Journey of Bulldog
Edith Levy Photography
Jeff Sinon Photography
Rick Diffley Photography
Nick Exposed Photography

Please give them your best vote (You may give up to three votes). Thank you very much!

102 thoughts on “Best Photo Blogs – Round 1

  1. This is a good idea to see great works from these great bloggers. It is really hard to pick. I also think this also depends on personal preferences too. For an example, some may like people every day life, abstract, portrait, nature etc. This is fun and inspiring.

  2. What a list of inspiring bloggers. They all have great works, so confusing to choose only 3, I made my mind and already voted, beside their photos I also chose based on the way they present their posts (my personal preference).

  3. I just spent quite a few minutes looking at just a few of these blogs! Wow! They are wonderful and I would like to really invest some time. I hope you’ll keep the “voting” open a couple of days. Your idea of giving us the opportunity to help you decide on the best is really exciting. I’d love to fully participate. I’ll be back with my vote! 🙂

  4. This is certainly very hard to do (partly, as I already follow some of these blogs and the authors have become ‘friends’), but I tried to be objective.

    I’ve had to cut down on my blog following recently and it was very difficult to refrain from starting to follow more (after looking at this list).

    Thanks for setting this up, Otto. I’ll certainly look forward to seeing the final 50.

  5. I must say all of them are excellent. Have visited each and I just can’t stop marveling at how stunning their respective works. They are inspirational, Mr. Otto.

  6. What constitutes best? Whilst I believe this is a great way to show the work of many ‘best’ photoblogs, I sometimes find the fact we need to compete (for want of a better word) somewhat sad. Aren’t they all the best? Why not just showcase these blogs for what they are: someone’s wonderful creativity. Please don’t take this comment as a negative response to what you are doing, that is not my intention. I simply feel art is so subjective: what appeals to one, may not appeal to another, yet the work that is presented by so many wonderful, creative people, is amazing in its own right. They are all the ‘best’ and truly inspirational in my eyes…

    1. I do agree with you sentiment, but it is impossible to present 500 blogs, so I need to narrow it down. And yes, it’s going to be subjective, but I never believed in objectivity anyway. And the more people vote, the more valid it will be.

  7. You got my vote, Otto. That is a kind and generous idea and a lot of work. Interesting too to see all new blogs next to the ones you know yourself. .
    groetjes, Francina

  8. This is a very good idea – even if it’s difficult to choose and the fact is that it’s impossible to be totally objective. The “trouble” is, that I will get more blogs to follow…Thank you for hosting this!

  9. Otto…

    Thanks for taking the time to put this together! There are other photography blogs out there that I mess or never see. Listing them opens up what other photographers are doing and how they display their work.

  10. This is a great idea, Otto, and and a wonderful (and no doubt timeconsuming too) job presenting very good photobloggers, getting us all connected. I think this is one of the great advantages of blogging and the more you interlink with others, the more success for you. Some of the blogs I already follow, thanks for presenting the rest.
    Wishing you a happy weekend from the coast of North Norfolk

    1. That is exactly what I like about blogging, how we are able to inter connect in so many ways. Thanks for the greeting, Dina, and may you have a lovely weekend, too – whatever is left of it.

  11. I visited your post from last year, the first link in this post. I was amazed to see how many nominees haven’t posted anything since months, a few even nothing in 2013. I find this interesting and maybe also somewhat typical for the fast living social media.
    Greetings from Cley next the Sea

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog Otto. Interesting effort that you’ve undertaken here and I look forward to viewing photo-blogs beyond those that I’m already following!

  13. It was tough choosing (but I finally narrowed it down to 3), and with so many good photographers to choose between, I can see how this way will be easier for you. Thank you for the opportunity to visit new (to me) photographers. It was fun, and I look forward to your next list. 🙂

  14. Great post Otto, it is amazing to have found a half dozen new sites here…and all tremendous. The amount of creative talent is impressive. Great list and idea with this.

  15. Such a varied selection of photographers and some really terrific work . It is going to take me a while to look at such wonderful images. Thanks for sharing Otto and I hope you have an enjoyable week.

  16. Great idea. Do you think that from your washout list it will be possible to identify the top 5-10 common denominators between each blog? I’d really like to know that.

  17. I only found out about this from another blogger and was not even aware of my nomination… looking at the others that surround me I feel honoured just to have been nominated… but it has introduced me to so many other photogs… great idea and again I’m honoured to be nominated…

  18. WOW…some really great sites…some of which I am going to follow…all very different from each other. Bulldog, yo offer something the others don’t///seeing wildlife in it’s natural habitat…your my guy!

  19. Hi Otto! It is an honor to me that you, a real photographer, liked my blog. Thanks so much. Your project here is very interesting. If I had time, I would love to look at all of the photo blogs you suggest. Unfortunately I am too busy learning Mandarin. Maybe I’ll take a break and sneak a peek at a few…

  20. Thanks again Otto. I’m not sure how, but somehow I missed, and needed to be told by Paula, that I was included in both the first and the fifth round. I’ve since subscribed so I don’t miss anything in the future. 🙂

  21. Just to let you know I am going to use your list of excellent photography blogs as a reference for my Photography students (high school)
    Thank you very much
    Ruth in Pittsburgh

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