Happy Holidays!


Yet another year is coming to and end, we have just passed winter solstice and the darkest day in the year – and apparently the darkest in a very, very long. Next time the day will be as dark as this is supposedly in more than 4 billion years. That’s good to know… Anyway, it’s been another very interesting year of blogging. I have got to know new bloggers, kept the relationship with many of my old acquaintances while others have left the blogosphere. That’s the way it goes. I nevertheless appreciate the contact with all of you. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Don’t forget to captured the holiday with your cameras! Now I look forward to having a few days of holiday only to be spent with my family.

120 thoughts on “Happy Holidays!

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family, Otto. I have learned a lot about photography from your blog – and from your excellent e-course. I wish you much success in the coming year.

  2. Best Wishes for the Holiday Season to you and your Family too, Otto. May 2015 be a Good Year filled with lots of “Shooting” and “Sharing”.

  3. Your photograph is a reminder of my own family. My paternal grandparents came from Sweden, sailing from Gävle on the same ship in the early 1900s. They met later, in Minneapolis, then married and moved to Iowa. I still have their pair of traditional candle holders, which my father remembered from his childhood. I don’t know, but like to think they might have been one reminder of home that my grandmother tucked into her bag before leaving the Old Country.

    Enjoy this time of making memories with your own family, and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. Your positive spirit, generosity and love for what you do continues to inspire so many of us. Thanks for being there. Namaste from India where the holidays almost go unnoticed. Imagine that!

  5. Beautifully said and photographed. I look forward in reading your intelligent, insightful comments. Wishing you warm holidays!

  6. I thank you for the honest critique on my picture,
    I’ll keep reading all the others to learn from.
    And I wish you and your family a very
    Merry Christmas
    God Jul
    Frohe Weihnachten 🙂

  7. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas, Otto! I’m hoping in 2014 to keep up with your blog better than I have lately. Besides the beautiful photos, you’re always full of inspiration. Thank you!

  8. Happy holidays to you, too. Thank you for the visits, the nudges to expand our photography and for the stunning images. I love the candles above. They are so clear and focused, yet the candles blend into each other’s light.

  9. I was so looking forward to winter soltice as it means the days are getting longer again. Can’t wait for the light to return as it also means more opportunities to take new pictures. I wish you a merry Christmas, Otto. Enjoy the time with your loved ones.

  10. Yes, another year of blogging is coming to an end, Otto — and yet, after a little rest (if that), we’ll be off on another one. Have a nice break!

  11. Your posts, your photos, and the generosity you bring to the screen invite such appreciation for life, Otto. I am so glad to have discovered some of the view from your discoveries, and exchanges.

    All the best to you and yours. Have a wonder-filled holiday. Meredith

  12. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family, Otto, and certainly do wish you a Happy New Year. You are so responsive and do such a fine job of keeping in touch with your blogging friends, and I know how much work that is. You have not just encouraged me in creativity, but with your travels and your photojournalism I think you have expanded my view of the world. I’m looking forward to even more adventures in 2015. 🙂

  13. Thank you for all those beautiful images and posts, Otto. I am indebted for the ceaseless inspiration, and your visits and encouragements to my humble blog.

  14. Otto! Wishing you a wonderful 2015. I am so looking forward to see what you write and photograph in this coming year. And I thank you so much for your post — I had no idea that this solstice was so dark. It fits well with the year I’ve had. Now I want to research what you said and find out why! I have felt much relief to know that light days are once again on their way — and to hear they’ll last for 4 billion years is terrific! This year is starting off to be wonderful. I can feel the good spirits in your post as well. Cheers for a great New Year!

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